pacman, rainbows, and roller s

The body atlast in the womb this is the movie that is show from the sperm and the egg cells forms a fetus or a baby inside the mother. This is focuss in a organs of reproduction and it is show how human was form in a organism. The organs can grow in 1 o'z to 7.5 o'z. In the 3 weeks old of the baby the heart of the baby was starts to beat, and the baby inside the womb has already have a life. In the 9 weeks old of the baby, the bones start to grow and having a shape inside the womb. In a few day or weeks the organs of the baby in the womb have a many organs have form. Like the face, the ears, hands,legs and other organs of the baby. The mother must be careful about their health and things that they are doing because it can really affect the baby inside the womb.
Psychology 1
Human gr0wth and development

GROWTH- the quantitative changes in an individual life( quantitative - variati0n in size, amoun, number and size)

DEVELOPMENT- the qualitative changes throughout the life span which are progressive.


Heredity- comprise the totality of influences, individual gr0wth .
ENVIRONment- is the sum total of all external c0diti0n and factor.

1. Development as multidimensional and integrated.
* physical aspect - c0vers the b0dy structure, size and the m0tor skill
* Cognitive aspect- cover the mental abilities
* personality and em0ti0nal aspects - pertains to an individual enduring disp0siti0n
* s0cial aspect - the interacti0n and relati0nship with other people and the behavi0r expected in a certain situati0n.
* spiritual aspect- the belief we are h0lding on and the faith we have within us.
2. Devel0pment throughout the life span-take place at any timein the human life cycle,
* prenatal stage
*early childhood
*middle childhood
*young adulth0od
*middle adulth0od
*late adulth0od
3. Stability and plasticity of development-
example. Shyness, neuroticism,extraversi0n,introversi0n
4. Normative and non-normative influences in development- biological and envir0nmental influences on develepment that occus in similar manner
*Age-graded- refers to influences that are highly similar f0r people in a particular age.
* hist0ry graded - refers to influences that are associated with hist0rical c0ntext, and which are c0mm0n to a particular generati0n.
----n0n n0rmative influences - are occurrences n0t c0mm0n to m0st people. This can result to individual differences.
5. DEVELOPMENT in c0ntext- we usually interact with our envir0nment and we av0id is0lati0n.