1.<red>PRENATAL STAGE</red>
<blue>Prenatal stage begins at conception and ends in birth (approximately 266 days or nine months. ). There are three stages or periods in prenatal; germinal, embryonic and fetal stage.</blue>

A. <blink>Germinal stage -</blink>the first prenatal stage of development, which begins at conception or fertilization and lasts for two weeks. At conception, the fertilized egg (results of the union of egg cell and sperm cell) becomes a single - celled organism kn0wn as blast0cyst. It continues to travel down the fallopian tube and implanted in the uterine wall.

B.<bold> EMBRYONIC STAGE -</bold> the second prenatal stage, from two weeks to eight weeks after conception when all the major structural development occurs. The new organism undergoes the differentiation and specialization to form the major body systems like the nervous system, respiratory, heart, eyes, ears, arms, legs, teeth, palate and external genetalia. By week eight, facial structure are more distinct, major parts of the body are developed and look human but it is only an inch long. Since the organism is fragile and vulnerable, it is prone to negative environmental hazards called teratogens. Teratogens are any substance ( nicotine, alcohol, drugs, radiation, etc) that can affect or cause the malformation of the embryo.

C. <underline>FETAL STAGE -</underline> the third or final stage which begins with the formation of the bone cells eight weeks after conception and ends at birth. This stage is mainly a period of enlargement and growth of organs and system of the fetus. The fetus becomes active inside the womb and responds to outside influences - kicks, turns, sucks its thumbs and responds to sounds.

2. INFANCY and CHILDHOOD -`Humans are utterly helpless at birth and because they are still developing, the newborn human brain is m0re resp0nsive than that of other animals to its surroundings. This distinction allows nurture to share to shape human nature more than is the case for m0st animals.

First m0nths after birth: brain and other parts of the body develop, infants begin to c0ntr0l their m0vements, learn about their envir0nment and they interact socially with their caregivers.

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